Donate to the General Fund

Donating to the General Fund is your opportunity to continue to strengthen our amazing Hazel Wolf community and to maintain the high quality programs the PTSA supports, such as:
Staff Grants: Supporting classroom innovation, supplemental teaching supplies and student enrichment materials
Tutoring Program: Giving struggling students a chance to succeed through reading and math support by providing that one extra moment again and again. These moments help students get where they need to be, versus falling behind.
Scholarships: Reducing financial barriers to allow every student the ability to participate in field trips and overnight trips.
Racial Equity Committee: Educating our parent community through training, parent education speakers and workshops.

The Hazel Wolf K-8 PTSA funds these programs, and so much more, to enhance the learning experience for every child. These critical programs help keep our school competitive and equitable and can’t exist without your generosity. 

The Hazel Wolf K-8 PTSA is strongly committed to being there for all families in our school community—and we hope you are too. We are grateful for each of you who support the General Fund and our programs.

(100% of your donation (minus a small site service fee) goes directly to helping the PTSA support the school, staff and students. All donations are 100% tax deductible and qualify for corporate matching.)


Learn more about the impact of PTSA support on programs and classrooms by checking out these videos by our Hazel Wolf Staff:
Ms. Burnett, Elementary Music & Drama Teacher: Music Program
Ms. Cater, 1st Grade Teacher: Classroom Learning
Mr. Fogarty, E-STEM Coordinator: E-STEM Programs
Ms. Mulchi, Tutor: HW Tutoring Program